A percentage of the profit from every coffin, shroud, urn or basket we sell is now dedicated to farming charity, RABI (Royal Agricultural Benevolent Fund).
The RABI offers vital one-to-one expert support that is tailored specifically to the faming community and their individual needs. This includes financial, practical and emotional guidance and support.
The Woollen Cwtch Company was built with the purpose of helping farmers unlock the value that is in their wool.
We believe that farmers' voices should be heard and respected so work closely with them when making decisions about how we can back them most effectively.
It is the farming community themselves that have requested a share of profits be gifted to the RABI on their behalf.
We are very happy to honour their request and back them in supporting this very worthy charity.
To find out more about the RABI please visit their website www.rabi.org.uk
